Security webinar highlights: How to increase revenue and become an MSSP

It was great to see so many people attend our webinar on the 1st December 2020 where we discussed how MSPs can protect their client’s digital assets from cybercrime, increase revenue and become an MSSP overnight.

We had such great feedback that we wanted to share the recording with you:

Selling cybersecurity products is no longer a consideration. Every organisation, whether it be large or small, is open to an attack. Business size is not a factor for cybersecurity attackers. So, whether you have a security offering or not, you as an MSP are going to be dealing with cybersecurity issues. At some point, your client will be the victim of an attack and you will be dealing with those issues at what could be a cost to you – unless you have a security offering in place or a cybersecurity clause that admits any cyberattacks in your contracts.

So in an effort to help you navigate the minefield that is security, we have created a variety of ‘Top Tip videos that can be found HERE. We have also taken the liberty of creating some bitesize highlights from our latest webinar for those of you that do not have time to listen to the full 45 minutes.

It is clear that data security breaches are on the rise and are now inevitable. If you have any security related questions or wish to speak to us about our Security Operations Centre services please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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